Susie’s Book Nook - New YouTube Episode Posted! “Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You”

There is a new ‘Susie’s Book Nook’ children’s book review live on YouTube!

The book reviewed by Susie this week is:
Just Ask, Be Different, Be Brave, Be You” by Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael Lopez.

“I love how this story revolves around planting a garden filled with plants, all different, all beautiful, and all not needing the same thing. Every child helping in this story has a story all their own of how they learn, participate, and grow in light of what makes them unique. This book explores a wide variety of differences and maybe a few that will surprise you. All the friends are different, but they all have one thing in common, they ask questions and learn about each other….”

“Rafael Lopez, the illustrator, captures the excitement of a busy garden of multi-cultural friends in vibrant shapes and colors. The facial expressions of the children are delightful and truly capture individual uniqueness. Lopez has earned many awards and accomplishments to his credit including books, art, and even seven US postal stamps. You can learn more about him online at….”

Read full “Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You” review.

Click on the button to the right & see the full YouTube video review!

Susie's Book Nook - Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You

This book review puts a spotlight on well-written and thought-provoking books focused on the topics of creation care and social justice. This is a great resource for parents everywhere to help them find those unique stories for their children that are both fun to read and bring about awareness.

A Book Review for Parents with Kids and Teens!


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