Oktoberfest 2022! (October 29, 2022)

This was such a lovely evening full of fellowship and good fun! All sixty-two reservations joined this well planned event.

We had a wonderful lead chef, Alain Guichard, who planned and shopped for our menu along with his ever-present sous-chef, Elizabeth. He was joined by a great cooking staff, Gwen Hacker and Carla Gerber from CCAV,UCC and Tom Ruffo and Harry Yamamura from ECA. We enjoyed fresh grilled bratwurst, cucumber salad, potato salad, and sauerkraut. We were also treated to a simple classic and very tasty dessert of the German people. It was a German Vanilla Pudding accompanied by a fresh apple compote and a streusel crumble topping. We named it the Wing-Krsynowski dessert as it was prepared for us by Evelyn.

For entertainment, we tested our brains and wits with several quizzes. And what could be a better prize for all the winners at this time of year? You guessed it, Halloween Candy!!

We even had lots of fun cleaning up as the event came to a end. The community spirit where everyone pitches in is alive and well at ECA and it makes our events so much more special. Till we meet again at the next Fellowship Event!


Shelley’s Retirement Party (12-10-22)


Tuesdays with Morrie - Play Reading (july 23, 2022)